Who is a mentor?

Mentor tries to give you hints, shortcuts and advices to help you to make good decisions and build your own career. Mentor is not going to tell you what to do. Mentor just shares her/his experience and talks to you about professional and personal objectives. Mentor is not your psychologist.

Why mentoring?

Both mentor and mentee value mentoring and that careful planning of a scheme including preparation, training and ongoing support of both mentor and mentee addressing expectations, building rapport and logistics are likely to be helpful in ensuring success and benefit from the intervention.

Iversen, A.C., Eady, N.A., and Wessely, S.C. 2014. The role of mentoring in acadmic career... JRSM 107(8):308-317.

Though it would be impossible to create a blueprint for good mentoring because ultimately it's about human relationships and every relationship is unique, it is still possible to explore the attitudes, expectations, and activities that are worth adopting, as well as give some guidance on how to build relationships that will be mutually-beneficial.

The guardian, Aug 2012, Mentoring higher education carrers

Where does the idea come from?

I am part of IFS mentoring program in Cologne, Germany. The mentoring program of the Uni of Cologne is especially dedicated for women. My mentor is prof. Jane Parker from Max Planck Institute for plant breeding. My employer, Uni of Cologne, offers this incredibly helpful opportunity to all female scholars. I am very thankful for it.

Viera Kovacova

for more information, see here

Here, we do not discriminate anyone. Everyone is welcome!


zijemveda.sk team

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